
About me

I'm a mid twenty something woman living in New England with my two dogs. I graduated college in 2008, and by then the economy was tanking. It was not a good time to enter the adult world. I was originally going to Vet school, but developed severe animal allergies. After 7 months of allergy shots, that affected my liver and actually made my symptoms much worse, i had to give up that dream. Now I'm just trying to find a steady job. I had major reconstructive knee surgery in November of 2011, so I'm still healing.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

In which I'm officially hired!

After three and a half months at my job, I was officially hired this week. They said I've done a great job, I work hard, I learn fast, and no one has ever had any complaints about me. I've given this job a lot of myself so it's nice to be appreciated. Sadly, it's still hourly, and the pay is not what I was hoping for. When I have a more in depth meeting with HR on Monday I'll have to ask if raises are a possibility in the future. I really hate the idea of job hunting again any time soon.
The job is an ESOP. They also do a vested stock program. So in five years, I can cash out my automatically accrued investment in the company and quit, or continue there. For now, I'll stay where I am, and hope for the best. I'll post more about it later. I just wanted to post some good news.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

In which I'm ready for spring.

And by ready, I mean really ready. The last few months, since the beginning of June really, have been pretty rough not just for me but for my immediately family and some of my friends. We're all due a break. Hopefully the nicer weather will be a catalyst for change. I'm glad that the storm moved north. Now we're just getting rain, maybe a couple of inches of snow.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

In which I fell off the wagon

That would be the blog wagon. Got you there. Seriously though, I'm not a good blogger. My life gets a bit busier and this place is the first thing I stop dedicating my time to. And you know, I'm okay with that. I like connecting with people around the world in a different way. However, I don't enjoy feeling like I have to. Since I don't have any actual commitments to do so, I won't That's why it's been so long. I do plan on making more of an effort in the future however, as I want a place to look back on, and keeping a paper journal has never worked for me. I hope with some outside feedback I can stay more in tune with writing here.
I've been at my job for a little over 10 weeks now. It's considerably more effort and stress than I had originally thought it would be. Everyone there wears multiple professional hats, so it's not just me who feels this way.
We've also had some unfortunate family drama that I just don't feel like getting into right now. Hopefully things will look up soon in that regard. So, that's all for now. I'll add more again soon.So thanks for checking in again, if you're in my circles. Or a new hello, if this is your first read.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

In which I slack off and return

Yeah, I sucked at blogging for a while. No apologies, I just didn't feel like it. I started a new job on December 18th. This was the day after my mom got released from the hospital after getting her gallbladder out and contracting pancreatitis. With all that going on, I was just very tired. Now I've been at this job a month, my mom is doing better, and I have a bit more energy. It's a demanding job. I expected something a bit more strictly secretarial. I was wrong. It's a secretary, mail room, accounts receivable , consumables purchasing, office go-for role. So I'm busy. And I'm very much still learning. It's a pretty steep curve. Hopefully I'll keep up better with this blogging business. That's my catch up for now.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

In which Winter is hard

I've never been a winter person. I hate the cold, wet, always dark outside weather. I'm not particularly into the holidays. And I have cold urticaria, which means I have a cold allergy that causes hives when I get too cold and/or wet in the winter. It sucks just as much as it sounds like it does. I've had in my whole life, and I was hoping I'd grow out of it. No such luck, though.
I'm still at my new job. I'm hoping as I get used to it, I'll enjoy it more. I wish I had a job I liked, but maybe that'll happen someday. I can't afford to be picky right now, so I won't.

Monday, December 23, 2013

In which I'm back

Okay. I was away for a while. I just didn't feel like posting. My mom being in the hospital for most of a week was a really draining experience for the whole family. Thankfully she's doing much better. She needed to have her gallbladder out. The main duct was clogged and infected so she had a stent put in. Due to some of the infection leaking out, she ended up with pancreatitis. Luckily her numbers went down quickly enough that she could have the gallbladder out soon after the stent procedure. She'll need that out in a month or so but it's a very quick out patient procedure. She's still a bit more sore than I expected, but she tends to heal slower than most people so I'm not surprised.
I also got a job. It's an hour away for crap pay, but beggars can't be choosers. It's a temp to hire position, so I guess I'll see. If I don't get a raise when I'm not through an agency anymore, I'm done. I use up most of a day's pay on gas a week.
So that's the quick and dirty wrap up to where I've been.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

In which my mom is home!

It's a long story, and it involved surgery. I just don't feel like typing it out right now. Long story short, she'll be okay.